cn blue

Monday, June 23, 2014


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I'M BACK.. simple word but have full meaning..
kelakar habis bila aq cbe tok speaking..
sebenar nye kalo korg baca tajuk enti 
mst korg nie tertany2 
x pn dh ada tanda soal kt atas kepala..
apa kah aq terlalu rajin ini hari???
or da masalah kah aq ini??

the answer is both of them..
firstly mmg aq terlebih rajin nk update dtatus 
bila dah terlalu lama sngat aq x updtae..
bila dh lama sangat aq x gosip..
aq pn x taw nk mula dari mana...

ok firstly nk ucap congrate kt mmbr sek aq
yusri N aazlin krn mendiri an rmh tangga..
korg first mmbr yg kawen ngn bdk sek..
salute korg...
perkawenan korg secara x lnsng bley jmpe blik
mmbr lama yg aq sendiri dh lupa...

borak punye borak x ckop di majlis kawen
sambng borak kt luar majlis...
x ckop ngn tu dlm phone pn borak jugak..
hahahahha...mmg rindu hbz kt mmbr yg lain...

second story pasai keje lak...ermmmmm
dengar citer r aq nie bakai naik tahta...ahahak
naik jawatan je...tapi x taw r btol ke x..
msh dlm perancangan lagi..
malas nk pkr bnd yg x jd lagi nie..
yg paling gembira nya dapat insiatif 
sbb berjaya capai target jualan dan audit
store yg maintain...
cantikk... alhamdulillah....

third story...yeay this year our family celebrate
aidiladha at hometown JOHOR BAHRU..
after 5 year at kuala lumpur..
very hapy sampai dah terancang nk buat 
pelbagai perkara kt sana t..hahhahaha..
and ofcoz we have the theme for hari raya...
the colour already choose...peach colour is selected..
woowww great colour great year for the 

what next??? 

ok yang nie aq x taw nk cter ke tidak
sbb aq x pnh lagi cter bnd nie kt umum..
sekadar dalam diari ti ada lahhhh..
nk cter umum aq rse mcm x patut je...
ermm tp aq tertanya2 jugak
samada bnd nie jodoh or sekadar kebetulan..

pada tahun lepas aq telah mengelak dari seseorg
yg aq rasa kne elak..ermmm x da r die bad guy juz 
i think must to go far from him..
i already know abt he status.. husband...
but if we juz want be friend is nothing wrong right..
but sometime he act like more than friend
and i have feel guilt for he wife..
so the good decision 
i must to move from beside he..

All run smoothly untill last month
i meet he again.. at same place  but different situation..
x taw r apa yg aq fkr masa tu 
nk ikt an aq nie bkn jenis yg ske bg contact no kt org..
aritu nth mcm ne ley lak terlepas kat die..
aq pn x pham... myb keadaan yg memaksa kot..
x nk cerita secara detail juz nk bgtaw r after 
he get my no tht night he sent the mcg..
ok i think it totally wrong i give my no..
wht hapen if he wife know..
and i dont be the third party in he married..

i juz ignore he mcg he call..
b'coz i know tht the best action i can take..
yg aq pelik nye selama aq  pergi dan balik keje bebrapa
bulan yg lalu x da r palk jmpe die..
skrg nie kerap sangt jmpe die..rsa semak pn ada..
mcm aritu aq ngah duduk kt station bus..tunggu bus r nk blik kje
 pnye pasai...tengah leka belek2 msg kt hp tetiba je 
da bus benti dpn aq dan mata aq automatik terpandang dia..
die yg terperasan trus ambk tndakan drastik 
dtg ke arah terkejut..
waktu tu mmg harap ada r bus aq jatuh dari 
langit nk elak bertemu dengan dia..
but it not hapen like i wht i imagin...
hahhahahha..yeay very hopeless..

but dont wory i already train my mind and my heart
to be stronger and dont get fall easy..
thnz becouse untill now i be my self..
i know how to manage my feeling..
dont worry i still the  same girl that think first before
i doing something...

tapi yang nie bukan lah masalah yg menyebab an 
aq da kerajinan nk update satus nie..
dan aq dah decide to keep the secret..
insya allah masalah tu mungkin da penyelesaian nye kemudian..
apa yang pasti fikiran kne tenang dlo...
jangan buat bnd yang akn menyakit an
ati dan kepala otak..